
NSF accreditation certificate

2020-10-31  From: Shandong Guanghao Biological Products Co., Ltd Browsing times:127

  Shandong Guanghao Biological Products Co., Ltd. obtained the NSF certification for the new year on October 26, 2020.

  NSF, as a neutral third party, has obtained approval and certification from 13 countries or industry organizations, including the National Institute of Standards (ANSI), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States, and the National Standards Board of Canada, for certification of the United States and its standards. NSF is the designated collaborating center of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the areas of food safety and drinking water safety and treatment. Products that have undergone NSF testing and meet NSF standards are authorized to use the NSF logo. Therefore, products that are authorized to bear the NSF logo are confirmed in the following aspects:

NSF accreditation certificate

  Shandong Guanghao Biological Products Co., Ltd. obtained the NSF certification for the new year on October 26, 2020.

  NSF, as a neutral third party, has obtained approval and certification from 13 countries or industry organizations, including the National Institute of Standards (ANSI), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States, and the National Standards Board of Canada, for certification of the United States and its standards. NSF is the designated collaborating center of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the areas of food safety and drinking water safety and treatment. Products that have undergone NSF testing and meet NSF standards are authorized to use the NSF logo. Therefore, products that are authorized to bear the NSF logo are confirmed in the following aspects:

1. Can achieve the ability to remove impurities as indicated in the product manual;

2. The materials that make up this product will not add pollutants to the water during the water treatment process;

3. Meets design and production process requirements;

4. The product has no structural or functional defects;

5. The certification standards shown in the product's advertisements, sample materials, and labeling are true and accurate.

   The NSF certification system is of great significance to professionals, consumers, and manufacturing units. NSF, a trusted, objective, and independent third-party monitoring organization recognized by the public and government, has tested and verified that the products comply with specific standards, which means that products with this label have undergone rigorous testing and are guaranteed to consumers. All units participating in the NSF certification system must undergo testing, retesting, and a third-party inspection/audit. Manufacturing units must produce products in accordance with publicly available standards. Standards include product manufacturing related standards, materials, design, process flow, and other aspects.

   Meanwhile, NSF mandates that if a company wants to print the NSF logo on its products, it must comply with the strict requirements of NSF certification and authorization. These requirements include initial and periodic testing and evaluation, and even the use of surprise inspections. If the identification is found to be misused or the product does not comply with the requirements, NSF may take measures to seize and seal the product and inventory, even destroy unqualified products, blacklist them, recall, legal action, notify the public, cancel certification qualifications, or other strict actions.

Shandong Guanghao Biological Products Co., Ltd. specializes in products such as chondroitin sulfate, chitosan, chitosan oligosaccharides, hydrochloride, peptone, etc. If you are interested, please consult us. Contact number: 13581058809

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